Monday, January 12, 2009

The legend of Camrock pt 3 (typed by mom)

Once there was a wise man, he led the people as if he was a top man. The made peace to the people. But he had an evil twin brother, he was bad news to the people. He burned camps. So the wise man prayed for a warrior. He prayed and he prayed....

Till a warrior came. His name was Isaac the son of Camrock who passed away five years ago. he had to kill werewolves to get to him (his evil brother) and bears that were trained to be a warrior. He had to hunt for the food for the people and kill bears. The bears hit him but he was okay. Finally, he passed them. Issac died the brother of the wise man killed Isaac. When the wise man heard that he was killed the wise man was MAD!!!!! He send a letter to Japen and the letter said " I need your Samurais to kill my eveil brother. Please write back. To be continued...

1 comment:

Keira said...

Your so funny! bye sucker! from jonah