Monday, January 12, 2009

The legend of Camrock part 2(ish typed by mom)

And they also feared the spirits the three signs of them was it would be stormy and raining for 5 days, second - the trees will move one inch closer to the village. The third one is that every day the food will slowly perish away. Then seven days later the boys were playing outside they forgot the 3 signs of the spirits. When they saw the trees move one inch closer, they knew they shouldn't be outside. Spirits were swooping from the sky like vicious ravens. The boy was almost abou to never be seen again when the sword stabbed into one of them it was Camrock. The boy couldn't believe his eyes, they talked for a little while and then the boy showed them all Camrock.

1 comment:

Keira said...

your moms funny! from: jonah